Privacy & Cookie Policy



Who is the data controller?

A data controller is an organisation that collects and uses personal data and decides how that personal data is used and managed.

zhejianglanxishi ouqiangwangluokeji youxiangongsi, registered office: zhejiangsheng jinhuashi lanxishi lingdongxiang pingyuancun  321100 China, owner of online stores is the Controller of the personal data you (data subject) provide us. 

We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office : registration number 91330781MA2GXLT4XX 

Our EUStore:

Barentsstr.15 53881 Euskirchen, email:


When do we collect your personal data?

  • When you visit our website, which uses cookies and similar technologies (for more information visit section Cookie Policy);
  • When you register an online account with us;
  • When you make an online purchase;
  • When you subscribe to our newsletter service (to emails about our new arrivals, promotional offers, discounts and so on);
  • When you contact us for example by sending an email to our customer service;
  • When you enter our promotions (such us competitions, prize draws);

What kind of personal data do we collect?

  • Data relating to your navigation on our website and certain technical information related to your device and access (for more information visit section Cookie Policy);
  • Data identifying you, necessary for us to complete your order, deliver it to you, or manage your account in our store;
  • Your correspondence and communication with us;
  • Your orders placed with us;

Our websites are not intended for children and we do not knowingly collect data relating to children.

The provision of all personal information is voluntary, but may be necessary in order to use our services for example to conclude a transaction.

Some of the above personal data is collected directly (for example when you register an account with us, change any of your details via Your Account, make a purchase or send an email to our customer service). Other personal data is collected indirectly, for example your browsing or shopping activity.

We offer you the option to sign up and sign in using a third party social networking or integrated service (Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, PayPal account). If you choose to do so (and authorize such access request), we will collect certain personal data (such as your name and surname, email address) stored on these accounts for registration or identification purposes. Using this option speeds up registration (no additional passwords to remember). Rest assured that we do not publish on your behalf on any of those social accounts. You can disconnect the accounts at any time and revoke the transfer of the data with future effect by changing your settings of respective services


How do we use your personal data?

We need to process your personal data for a number of different reasons.
The following is a summary of how and according to which legal bases we use your personal data:

1) To perform our contract with you or for any pre-contractual obligations:

  • to provide goods and services to you;
  • provide you customer support;
  • for proper functioning of the website (for example to store how many items are in your shopping bag);
  • to manage your registered online account;
  • to process your returns, refunds, complaints etc.;
  • send you service messages by e-mail (so that you are updated about your order/account for example no payment notification or shipping confirmation);
  • to administer any promotions (prize draws, contest, competitions) that you choose to enter and get prizes to the winners.

2) To fulfil our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party:

When we process personal data to fulfil our legitimate interests we will use it in a way in which you would reasonably expect and which will have a minimal privacy impact.

Those instances include:

  • handling customer queries not strictly related to our contract with you our pre-contractual obligations;
  • analysis and statistical purposes;
  • to send you an email invitation to review our service in a third party on-line review community. These messages will not include any promotional content and help us improve our service and help other potential buyers make an informed decision about buying with us. We may use third parties to send you these invitations;
  • maintaining the integrity of our IT systems;
  • business management (to conduct business planning, reporting, and forecasting) and business optimisation;
  • training our staff (so when you contact us, you get the best possible customer service)

3) To comply with legal obligations:

  • to which our business is subject as well as to keep records of our compliance processes or tax records;
  • where, we are legally obliged, to disclose your information to relevant authorities; 

4) Your consent

  • to contact you via email (with your prior agreement, you are free to opt out at any time) about our new arrivals, promotional offers, discounts and so on;
  • to provide you personalized offers on third party websites, based on your browsing history (when you accept advertising/tracking cookies);
  • to evaluate and improve effectiveness of our marketing campaigns (when you accept performance related cookies);
  • to monitor the performance of our website and to constantly look to improve our site and user experience (when you accept performance related cookies).

When we are relying on consent as our legal basis to process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time.


How long will the data be stored for?

We will keep your personal information for the purposes set out in this privacy policy and in accordance with the law and relevant regulations. In most cases we are required by law to process your data even if you no longer use our services as such obligations arise for example from tax or accounting regulations. For that reason, even if you close your account with us, we will process some of your personal data for the period indicated in the aforementioned regulations. 


Who do we share your personal data with?

We sometimes share your personal data with trusted third parties in order to make certain services available to you. These third parties process your personal information on our behalf and are required to meet high standards of security before doing so.

These companies may belong the following categories:


  • Technology providers – so partners that provide IT, website/webstore services, deploy our email campaigns for us; send invitations to review our service;
  • Payment providers (such as Paypal);
  • Customer service providers – partners who work with us to provide you with help (for example questions relating to our products, your orders, your account with us);
  • Distributors and manufacturers of goods – partners who fulfil orders and deliver products to you, who may also manage your returns on our behalf;
  • Delivery companies – couriers, postal companies and other firms that help us deliver your goods to you;
  • Returns centers – companies that accept returns from our international customers in countries other than UK so your return is quicker, easier and cheaper for you;
  • Marketing service providers – marketing agencies, advertising partners (including social networks)that help us deliver our marketing and advertising to you; partners that assist in management of our promotions (prize draws, contest, competitions). Our advertising may include interest based advertising (also known as online behavioral advertising), contextual advertising. We and our advertising partners may process certain personal data to help us understand your interests or preferences so that we can deliver advertisements that are more relevant to you;
  • Consultants, auditors and other similar partners that help us in various ways get better;
  • Regulators and other governmental agencies or law enforcement agencies, in response to a verified requests or legal processes. We also share your personal data where we in good faith believe that it is necessary for the purpose of our own, or a third party’s legitimate interest relating to national security, law enforcement, litigation, criminal investigation, protecting the safety of any person, or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm, provided that we deem that such interest is not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms requiring the protection of your personal data. 
  • In case of merger, acquisition or sale of part of our business - your personal data may be shared with such third parties as part of this process. We will require that the new owner follows this privacy policy with respect to your personal information. You will be notified of change of ownership.
  • Companies approved by you, such as social media sites (if you choose to link your accounts to us).


In order to display our collected reviews and social media feedback, the Trustami badge is incorporated into this web page. In considering our interests, this serves to realize an optimised marketing of our website and products according to art. 6 (1)(f) of the GDPR. Whenever a Trustami badge is displayed, the web server automatically stores a server log file (access data) which contains, the name of the visited website, the file, date and time of display, your reduced IP address, the transmitted data volume, the status of your request, the browser type, the operating system of the user, the referring URL (from the previous webpage) and the requesting provider. This access data will not be evaluated and will be automatically overwritten seven days after your visit to the page. The Trustami badge and connected services advertised are an offer of Trustami GmbH, Schröderstraße 5, 10115 Berlin. For the processing of the data collected by Trustami, the privacy policy of Trustami is valid (


Transferring personal data outside of the EEA (European Economic Area)

From time to time we may transfer your personal information to a third party data processors located outside of the European Economic Area ('EEA') for the purposes described in this privacy policy. We can only transfer your personal information to those third parties where we can be sure that your privacy and your rights are protected, for example when that third party is located in a country which the EU has approved as having adequate data protection laws or when we have a contract in place in a form approved by regulators (the European Commission's standard data protection clauses). Recipients located in countries outside the European Economic Area have implemented and maintain adequate safeguards for the personal data processed.


What are your rights relating to your personal data?

If you reside in certain territories, including the EU, you have a number of rights in relation to your personal information. While some of these rights apply generally, certain rights apply only in certain limited cases. You rights include:

  • Right to be informed about collection and use of your personal data.
  • Right to access personal data we hold about you. This is known as a Subject Access Request.
  • Right to correct your personal data when incorrect or incomplete (if you have an account with us you can also correct your data yourself in Your Account).
  • Right to withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Right, under certain circumstances, to object to processing of your personal data (for example when we are processing your data for the purpose of our legitimate interest). You will find more information about your right to object here
  • Right, under certain circumstances, to restrict processing of your personal data (in this case we will not process your data for any other purpose than storage).
  • Right under certain circumstances, to have your personal data erased, where we no longer have any legal reason to retain them.
  • Right to request that we provide to you your personal data in a commonly used format, and if technically possible, that we transfer them to another data controller. This is applicable provided that your data is processed by automated means and that processing is based on your consent, on a contract which you are a part of or on pre-contractual obligations.

How to exercise your rights

Any requests to exercise your rights can be made in writing. We recommend writing to us at We will respond as soon as possible within one calendar month at the latest. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of the requests.

To protect your information, we will seek to verify your identity before proceeding with any request you make under this Privacy Policy.

Complaint with a data protection supervisory authority

You also have the right to make a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement.  

More about your right to object

You may object to processing of your personal data when:

  • they are processed for the purpose of direct marketing, you can object at any time without providing any justification;
  • they are processed under the following purposes: legitimate interest or statistical purpose; you must provide a specific reason and tell us why you are objecting to processing of your data (your grounds should be related to your particular situation).

How to stop marketing messages from us:

At any time you can stop receiving marketing messages from us by:

  • clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the end of any marketing email from us;
  • using the unsubscribe option available on our main website next to the SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER section;
  • contacting our customer service.

Please note it might take a short period for all our systems to be updated, so you might get messages from us while we process your request.

Security of your data and what you can do to help

We acknowledge the importance of responsible use of your personal data, please be assured that we do not sell collected data to any third parties.
We use Internet standard encryption technology ("SSL" or "Secure Socket Layer" technology) to encode personal data that you send to us. When signing in, logging in or placing your order in your browser you will see an image of a closed padlock or an unbroken key, which means that encryption is used.

We also recommend that you enhance your online safety by following these guidelines:

  • Keep your account passwords private. Do not share it.
  • Your password must be at least 10 characters long, contain at least 1 capital letter, and 1 digit or 1 special character. Do not use dictionary words, your name, email address, or your other personal data that can be easily accessed. We also recommend that you frequently change your password. You can do this in Your Account-> Customer Details-> Change your password (don’t forget to save the changes).
  • Avoid using the same password for multiple online accounts.
  • If you use our website in a public location, we recommend that you always log out of your account and close the website browser for your security reasons.


Linked Sites

This website may contain links to other websites, which are not operated by Kontri Ltd. (the "Linked Sites"). These websites, are owned and operated by third parties and your use of the Linked Sites will be subject to the terms and privacy policy contained within each such site.

 What are cookies and similar technologies?

Cookies and similar technologies are essentially very small data files placed on your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone etc.), when you visit a website and often contain a unique identification code. Cookies can then be sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognizes that cookie. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site. Information collected through cookies and similar technologies may include the date and time of the visit and how you use a particular website or mobile application.

In this policy, we refer to all of these technologies as “cookies.”

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies have different functions. Generally they make a user's experience more efficient. Thanks to them during your visit to our online shop you remain logged in, all items remain stored in your shopping bag, you can shop safely and the website keeps running smoothly. They also ensure that we can see how our website is used and how we can improve it. Furthermore, depending on your preferences, cookies may be used to present you with targeted advertisements that match your personal interests.

The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. The legal basis for the processing of personal data using technically necessary cookies is legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR).  

For all other types of cookies we need your permission (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.). Your consent is obtained when you (on your first time visit to our site) indicate your preferred choices on the banner informing you about our use of cookies. When you consent to the use of cookies on our site, your consent is valid for a maximum of 12 months, after which you will be asked to renew it. A renewal request may also be triggered if you connect from a different terminal, modify your browser settings or when there were significant updates to our privacy policy relating to your consent. You can withdraw your consent anytime (for more information please see section “How to change your cookie settings?” below).

Please see below for more information about cookies used on our website. The specific names and types of the cookies we use may change from time to time.


What type of cookies do we use?

This site uses different types of cookies. Some are placed by us (these are called first party cookies) and others are set by third party services that appear on our pages. Some of the cookies we use will expire after a browser session ends (called session cookies). Other cookies (called persistent cookies) remain on your device between browser sessions and allow the website to recognize you on your next visit.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential to navigate around the website and for it to work properly. They are usually related to your actions on our website such as:
• choosing your cookie preferences for our website,
• logging in to your account,
• adding and storing articles in your basket.
You may disable these cookies by changing your browser settings, but this may affect how the website functions.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

Cookie Subgroup


Cookies used



First Party

180 Days, 2 Days, 1 Day, 2914192 Days, 365 Days, 365 Days

l7_az, ts, ts_c, tsrce, x-cdn

Third Party

A few seconds, 1095 Days, 1095 Days, 2 Days, Session


Third Party


Functional Cookies

These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. If you do not allow these cookies then some or all of these services may not function properly.

Functional Cookies

Cookie Subgroup


Cookies used



First Party

Session, Session, Session


Third Party

30 Days


Third Party

360 Days

Performance related Cookies

These cookies allow to gather statistical data (count visits and traffic sources) about the use of our website. We use this data to understand how users interact with it (for example to see which pages are popular). This helps us optimize. All collected information is aggregated and anonymous.

We may use Google Analytics, which uses the User ID feature. It allows to associate a single user ID with that user's engagement from one or more sessions initiated from various devices. So, if you perform a search on a phone, place an order on your computer and access your account on a tablet, all on the same website, this will be viewed as one user’s interactions with the website.
It gives a more accurate view of user interactions and user count but doesn’t allow to personally identify you or identify a particular device permanently.

You can read more about Google Analytics’ data security here (

Performance related Cookies

Cookie Subgroup


Cookies used

Lifespan / .de


First Party

730 Days, 729 Days, 90 Days


First Party

45 Days, A few seconds, 1 Day, 1 Day

Advertising / tracking cookies

Used to deliver tailored content (i.e suggest other products that you may like, show more relevant ads on third party sites). Accepting these cookies does not mean more ads, only ads more valuable to you and less repetitive. These cookies help us evaluate our campaigns. Via advertising partners we can also search for other target groups for ads. These partners can use advertising cookies to track which other websites you visit.

Note: If you do not allow these cookies, you may still see offers from us (not based on your behaviour on our site).

Our third-party partners:
• Facebook: via Facebook's advertising and marketing platforms, e.g. Website Custom Audiences (
• Google: via Google's advertising and marketing platforms, e.g. Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform, Google Ad Manager (

Advertising / tracking cookies

Cookie Subgroup


Cookies used



First Party

A few seconds, A few seconds


Third Party

6133 Days, 180 Days, Session


Third Party

A few seconds

Social Media Cookies

These cookies are set by a range of social media services that we have added to the site to enable you to share our content with your friends and networks. They are capable of tracking your browser across other sites and building up a profile of your interests. This may impact the content and messages you see on other websites you visit. If you do not allow these cookies you may not be able to use or see these sharing tools.

Social Media Cookies

Cookie Subgroup


Cookies used



Third Party



Third Party

90 Days

How to change your cookie settings?

You can manage cookies (except for those strictly necessary) via our Privacy Preference Center. You can access it by clicking the button "Adjust Settings" below. You can indicate your preference either globally for the site (by clicking “Allow All”) or allow only specific cookie categories (which are described above). A cookie will be set on your device to remember your preferences.

Adjust Settings

If you wish to deactivate the use of any cookies – including cookies that are operationally necessary, you may do so by using the settings in your browser or device, if this is supported by your browser or device (please bear in mind that this must be done separately for each browser you use). Most Internet browsers are configured by default to allow deposit of cookies. Please note that you may not be able to use certain features of our website when you deactivate cookies. 

You may also delete existing cookies from your device. If you do this, any opt-out cookies that have already been set will also be deleted, so that you will have to declare your opt-outs on various websites again.

Find out how to manage cookies on popular browsers:

To find information relating to other browsers, visit the browser developer's website. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set, visit or

Do not track (DNT) feature

Some browsers offer Do not track future (DNT). Once enabled your browsing isn't tracked, for example by third party advertisers, social networks, or analytic companies. Our website doesn’t currently respond to DNT requests as there in no agreed-upon standard that determines how such request should be managed. We’ll monitor if any such standard is adopted, but for now we won't be able to respond to DNT requests.



Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update and change this Privacy Policy from time to time, to reflect any changes in legal requirements or the way we process your personal data. Please check back frequently to see any. If we make significant changes, we will try to make it clear to you also by other means (for example email). The revised Privacy Policy will be effective as of the published effective date. 

Questions? Contact us

If you have any questions, concerns or comments about our Privacy & Cookie policy or our use of your personal information please contact us:

  • e-mail us at:
    • write to us at: Barentsstr.15 53881 Euskirchen Germany